Infusion ensures best practices for COVID-19 as defined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Palm Beach County.

  • All employees and customers are required to wear a mask while inside our store.

  • We advise all customers to stay at least six feet apart from others. We also limit the amount of guests allowed in our store for everyone's safety.

  • Infusion offers curbside pickup and delivery through third-party delivery services to limit traffic.

  • All employees are required to wash their hands frequently. Gloves are provided for employees to be worn and changed in-between orders. Hand sanitizer is also available for customers to use and we also have a restroom for handwashing.

  • Frequently touched surfaces and supplies are sanitized thoroughly under routine schedule to ensure public health and safety.

  • All employees are required to have a temperature check prior to every shift and are advised to stay home if they are not feeling well.